U.S.- Russian Nuclear Cooperation Has Big Prospects - Kiriyenko
WASHINGTON. March 24 (Interfax) - The U.S.-Russian agreement on nuclear cooperation (the so-called 1, 2, 3 Agreement) has a special role in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, said Rosatom chief Sergei Kiriyenko.
"Given the recent enforcement of the 1, 2, 3 Agreement between Russia and the U.S. on peaceful atom cooperation, very big opportunities are opening up for us," Kiriyenko said at a meeting with representatives from the U.S. nuclear industry and media outlets at the Russian Embassy in Washington on Wednesday.
"We can cooperate not only on the supply of raw materials, materials and services, we can cooperate in joint developments, research and development, creating new generations of reactors," he said.
Russia and the U.S. can cooperate on security, ecology and waste management, Kiriyenko said. "Such a cooperation should be maintained both at the level of the two countries, and at the level of companies," the Rosatom chief said.
Russia is very keen to cooperate with U.S. companies developing new and prospective reactors, he said.
"Such a cooperation can and should add to the unique working experience in non-proliferation, implementation of the HEU-LEU (highly- and low-enriched uranium) contract and the great experience in reducing the nuclear threat," the Rosatom chief said.
Kiriyenko is in Washington to attend the first session of the U.S.-Russian presidential commission's working group for nuclear energy since the enforcement of the 1,2,3 Agreement.
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