#41 - JRL 2009-153 - JRL Home
Subject: INVITATION - August 24 Hudson Conference on The Russian Military
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009
From: "Richard Weitz" <Weitz@hudson.org>
Hudson Institute cordially invites you to a day-long conference on
The Russian Military: Today and Tomorrow
A conference in honor of Mary C. FitzGerald
Monday, August 24
The reassertion of Russian power, especially military power, in recent years requires a more sophisticated understanding of the Russian military and its possible future development. The necessity for such study has become even more important with the Obama administration actively seeking a new foreign policy toward Russia. This understanding must include the current defense reform efforts, Russian perceptions of security trends in Europe and Asia, new Russian concepts of national security, and Russian views regarding future war, information warfare, the role of nuclear weapons, and Russia’s efforts to develop forces for power projection beyond Russia's borders.
Hudson Institute will convene the conference in honor of the memory of our late colleague Mary C. FitzGerald, who passed away on April 5, by bringing together distinguished defense analysts who worked with her.
Registration: 9:00-9:15
Introduction by S. Enders Wimbush, Senior Vice President for International Programs and Policy at Hudson Institute
Panel 1: 9:15- 10:45
Stephen Blank, U.S. Army War College, “Russian Military Doctrine”
Dale Herspring, Kansas State University, “Defense Reform in Contemporary Russia
Panel 2: 11:00-12:30
Joshua Spero, Fitchburg State University, “Russian Military Challenges for Central-East Europe”
Richard Weitz, Hudson Institute, “Russian-Chinese Security Relations”
Lunch: 12:30-1:30
Panel 3: 1:30-3:00
Jacob Kipp, U.S. Army Command and Staff College, “System and Systemology in Russian Military Thinking”
Timothy Thomas, U.S. Army Command and Staff College, “Russia and China and Information Warfare”
Panel 4: 3:15-4:45
Mikhail Tsypkin, Naval Postgraduate School, “Challenge of Understanding the Russian Navy”
Daniel Goure, Lexington Institute, “Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control”
please email name and affiliation to Richard Weitz at Weitz@hudson.org
Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center, Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC