#4 - JRL 7135
TV1 Review
Compiled by Luba Schwartzman (luba_sch@hotmail.com)
Research Analyst, Center for Defense Information, Moscow office
Monday, April 07, 2003
- US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is in Moscow. She discussed pressing current affairs, including the situation in Iraq, with Russian President Vladimir Putin and a number of highly placed officials. Rice also relayed an address from US President George W. Bush, which assures that the US will continue cooperating and developing contacts with Russia, despite disagreements on Iraq.
- The column of Russian diplomats and journalists has successfully crossed the Iraqi-Syrian border. One embassy driver who was seriously wounded in yesterday's attack remained on Iraqi territory, along with an official who will look after him.
- Iraq's Ambassador to Moscow Abbas Khalaf declared that he has yet to receive an official report about yesterday's incident with Russian diplomats from his government. According to Khalaf, the incident took place about 60 kilometers west of Baghdad. He declared that it was the American troops who shot at the automobiles.
- In the Yakut settlement of Sydybyl, 21 students and 1 teacher died when a fire broke out at the school building. 12 other children have been hospitalized. An investigation has been initiated. President Putin has ordered the federal government to help the victims of the fire.
- In Grozny, five people died when a Niva car was blown up.
- April 7th is International Health Day. This year the focus is "Healthy Environment for the Children." President Putin ordered the purchase of modern sports equipment for school athletic programs with money from the reserve fund.
- Representatives of the United Russia party brought several bags of petitions protesting unreasonable tariff hikes on electricity, signed by millions of Russian citizens, to the Federal Energy Commission.
- Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoi declared that a part of the famous Baltic Collection of Paintings and Drawings will remain in Russia.
- The Lovzar Chechen Children's Dancing Ensemble performed at the Kremlin.
- A Greek freight ship ran aground in the Black Sea, 20 meters off the shore of Gelendzhik.