#14 - JRL 7126
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003
From: Erik Herron <eherron@ku.edu>
Subject: Silk Road Conference
The University of Kansas Center for East Asian Studies and Center for Russian and East European Studies are pleased to announce the conference: Muslim Cultures along the Silk Roads: China and Central Asia Featuring keynote speakers Martha Brill Olcott and Jonathan Lipman April 26, 2003, Kansas Union, Lawrence, Kansas 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Registration is free, but is required by April 21, 2003. For more information and to register, please go to www.ceas.ku.edu <http://www.ceas.ku.edu>
Erik S. Herron
Assistant Professor
University of Kansas
Department of Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, 310 Blake Hall
Lawrence, KS 66044-3177
(785) 864-9027
Home Page: http://people.ku.edu/~eherron
Guide to Post-Communist States: http://www.ku.edu/~herron