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Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

#10 - JRL 7063
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003
From: Marina Adamovitch <continent@comcast.net>
Subject: Continent magazine


The journal Continent/Kontinent was founded in 1974 by a well-known writer and dissident Vladimir Maksimov. The name for this new uncensored journal of the Russian democratic movement was suggested by A. Solzhenitsyn. During the 16 years of its publishing in Paris the magazine became one of the most prestigious and influential voices against communist ideology. At various times the editorial board included such prominent world-renowned figures as R. Conquest, A. Sacharov, E. Ionesko, J. Brodsky, etc. Works by Vasiliy Aksenov, Josef Brodsky, Olivie Cleman, Vladimir Maksimov, Robert Conquest, Ernst Neizvestny, Vittorio Strada and others were published on the pages of Continent. In 1990 as a result of the historic changes occurring in Russia, Vladimir Maksimov decided to move the publishing headquarters to Moscow. In 1992 Igor Vinogradov became the new editor-in -chief, starting with the issue 72. I. Vinogradov started his creative career in the Tvardovsky's Noviy Mir, and is well known in Russia for his democratic views. The magazine has not started a new issue numbering system, but was reregistered in the Ministry of Mass Media and Information of the Russian Federation and became a part of the Russian media. Currently Continent has representatives in USA, Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Currently the editorial board includes, among others, V. Aksenov, N. Korgavin, S. Averintsev, G. Vladimov, O. Cleman, E. Neizvestniy and G. Nivat. Continent is a literary, political and religious commentary on the complicated cultural and social situations experienced today. Continent is published four times a year. The main section of the magazine devoted to literature contains stories, narratives and short novels. Each issue gives the reader an in-depth analysis of the directions and movements within the current literature, publishing the most important and leading writers. The permanent sections of Continent are: RUSSIA, FACTS-WITNESSES-DOCUMENTS, RELIGION, GNOSIS, LITERATURE AND TIME, READING, ART. A permanent column CHRONICA. contains a current review of the political, religious and cultural events in Russia. A permanent column of the magazine is CONTINENT'S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SERVICE (CBS). CBS is helpful to the reader whose cultural interests include the many fields of modern cultural process, but who is unable to follow all of the Russian press.


60 $ per year (4 issues)
Postage/handling is included.
Checks/money orders only. Checks/money orders must be made to Continent
Now Continent will be shipped to you from our new office in USA:
Att.: M. Adamovitch
217 Fourth Avenue
Garwood NJ, 07027 USA
Our representative in the United States:
Marina Adamovitch

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