#11 - JRL 7014
From: "Dr. Theodore Karasik" <tkarasik@mindspring.com>
Subject: Valuable Resource Available
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003
I am departing with some of my older Soviet era holdings. One particular collection of value and that needs a good home is "RFE Studies and Background Information on Soviet and Communist Orbit Affairs: A Collection of Materials prepared by The Political Advisor's Office, RFE" The series runs from late 1950s to early 1960s in 16 bound books. They were given to me by RAND's Harry Gelman upon his retirement. Please contact me at tkarasik@mindspring.com if you are interested in this unique source.
Dr. Theodore Karasik
Research Director
RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy
1700 Main Street, M-14A
Santa Monica, CA 90407
RAND Phone: 310.393.0411 x7198
RAND Fax: 310.451.6999
Phone: 310.441.4498
tkarasik@rand.org or tkarasik@mindspring.com