Old Saint Basil's Cathedral in MoscowJohnson's Russia List title and scenes of Saint Petersburg
Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

1. Washington Times: David Satter, Russia's inner chaos a threat to the West.
2. Wall Street Journal: Guy Chazan, Terrorists Trained by bin Laden Associate Are Convicted in Russia Bombing Scheme.
3. Luba Schwartzman: ORT Review.
4. Peter Lavelle: Untimely Thoughts: The Crawford Ideology - and all its extra baggage (re Making the new partnership work).
5. Moscow Times: Alla Startseva, Stepashin Fires Broadside at Premier.
6. Washington Post: Samuel Berger, Putin's Reality Trip.
7. AP: Bush, Putin Differ on Missile Defense.
8. Reuters: Russia hopes for OPEC deal, companies resistant.
9. Los Angeles Times: David Lamb, Putin Seeks to Lure Oil Firms' Interest. Resources: Reforms will prevent a replay of previous losses, he tells U.S. executives.
10. Washington Post: Peter Finn and Peter Baker, NATO and Russia Reinventing Relationship.
11. Moscow Tribune: Stanislav Menshikov, PUTIN AND BUSH IN ONE FOX-HOLE. But written IOU is needed.
12. Wall Street Journal: Jeanne Whalen, A Modern Edge on Russian Art. The Contemporary Scene Is Vibrant Though the Market Boom Cooled.