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#31 - JRL 2006-124 - JRL Home
From: Andreas Umland <andreumland@yahoo.com>
Subject: New books from "Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Society:" Vols. 21-35
Date: Sat, 27 May 2006

I would like to alert JRL's readers to the 15 new volumes of the book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society" (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, ISSN 1614-3515). These volumes appeared between November 2005 und April 2006. See the list below. In addition, you may find a list of all books published since the series' foundation in October 2004 at http://www.ibidem-verlag.de/spps.html. If you would like to review one or more of these books, please ask the respective review journal's editor to write directly to the publisher at ibidem@ibidem-verlag.de (with CC to me). The publisher will send out one or more review copy/ies.

1 Juliya Liderman, Motivy “proverki” i “ispytaniya” v postsovetskoi kul’ture: Sovetskoe proshloe v rossiiskom kinematografe 1990-kh godov. S predisloviem Evgeniya Margolita [The Themes of “Checking” and “Examining” in Post-Soviet Culture: The Soviet Past in Russian Cinematography of the 1990s. With a foreword by Evgenii Margolit]. Vol. 21. 208 pages. 2005. €24.90. ISBN 3-89821-511-3.

2 Tanya Lokshina in collaboration with Ray Thomas and Mary Mayer (eds.), The Imposition of a Fake Political Settlement in the Northern Caucasus: The 2003 Chechen Presidential Election. Vol. 22. 290 pages. 2005. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-436-2.

3 Timothy McCajor Hall and Rosie Read (eds.), Changes in the Heart of Europe: Recent Ethnographies of Czechs, Slovaks, Roma, and Sorbs. With an afterword by Zden&#283;k Salzmann. Vol. 23. 354 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-606-3.

4 Christian Autengruber, Die politischen Parteien in Bulgarien und Rumänien: Eine vergleichende Analyse seit Beginn der 90er Jahre. Mit einem Vorwort von Dorothée de Nève [The Political Parties of Bulgaria and Romania: A Comparative Analysis since the Early 1990s. With a foreword by Dorothée de Nève]. Vol. 24. 278 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-476-1.

5 Annette Freyberg-Inan with Radu Cristescu, The Ghosts in Our Classrooms, or John Dewey Meets Ceau&#351;escu: The Promise and the Failures of Civic Education in Romania. Vol. 25. 192 pages. 2006. €24.90. ISBN 3-89821-416-8.

6 John B. Dunlop, The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises: A Critique of Russian Counter-Terrorism. With a foreword by Donald N. Jensen. Vol. 26. 166 pages. 2006. €24.90. ISBN 3-89821-608-X.

7 Peter Koller, Das touristische Potenzial von Kam"janec'-Podil's'kyj: Eine fremdenverkehrsgeographische Untersuchung der Zukunftsperspektiven und Maßnahmenplanung zur Destinationsentwicklung des „Ukrainischen Rothenburg“. Mit einem Vorwort von Kristiane Klemm [The Touristic Potential of Kam’’yanets’-Podil’s’skyi: A Tourism-Geographic Investigation into the Future Prospects and Measures Plan for the Destination Development of the „Ukrainian Rothenburg.“ With a foreword by Kristiane Klemm]. Vol. 27. 170 pages. 2006. €22,-. ISBN 3-89821-640-3.

8 Françoise Daucé, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski (eds.), Dedovshchina in the Post-Soviet Military: Hazing of Russian Army Conscripts in a Comparative Perspective. With a foreword by Dale Herspring. Vol. 28. 308 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-616-0.

9 Florian Strasser, Zivilgesellschaftliche Einflüsse auf die Orange Revolution: Die gewaltlose Massenbewegung und die ukrainische Wahlkrise 2004. Mit einem Vorwort von Egbert Jahn [Civil Society’s Influence on the Orange Revolution: The Peaceful Mass Movement and the Ukrainian Electoral Crisis of 2004. With a foreword by Egebert Jahn]. Vol. 29. 206 pages. 2006. €24.90. ISBN 3-89821-648-9.

10 Rebbecca S. Katz, The Georgian Regime Crisis of 2003-2004: A Case Study in Post-Soviet Media Representation of Politics, Crime and Corruption. Vol. 30. 372 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-413-3.

11 Vladimir Kantor, Willkür oder Freiheit? Beiträge zur russischen Geschichtsphilosophie. Ediert von Dagmar Herrmann sowie mit einem Vorwort versehen von Leonid Luks [Arbitrariness or Freedom? Essays on the Russian Philosophy of History. Edited by Dagmar Herrmann. With a foreword by Leonid Luks]. Vol. 31. 344 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-589-X.

12 Laura Victoir, The Russian Land Estate Today: A Case Study of Cultural Politics in Post-Soviet Russia. With a foreword by Priscilla Roosevelt. Vol. 32. 166 pages. 2006. €22.00. ISBN 3-89821-426-5.

13 Ivan Katchanovski, Cleft Countries: Regional Political Divisions and Cultures in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova. With a foreword by Francis Fukuyama. Vol. 33. 296 pages. 2006. €29.90. ISBN 3-89821-558-X.

14 Florian Mühlfried, Postsowjetische Feiern: Das Georgische Bankett im Wandel. Mit einem Vorwort von Kevin Tuite [Post-Soviet Feasts: The Georgian Banquet in Transition. With a foreword by Kevin Tuite]. Vol. 34. 230 pages. 2006. €25.90. ISBN 3-89821-601-2.

15 Roger Griffin, Werner Loh and Andreas Umland (eds.), Fascism Past and Present, West and East: An International Debate on Concepts and Cases in the Comparative Study of the Extreme Right. With an afterword by Walter Laqueur. Vol. 35. 520 pages. 2006. €34.90. ISBN 3-89821-674-8.