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United Russia Has No Plans to Force "foreign Agent" Status on Mass Media
Interfax - 7.16.12 - JRL 2012-129

MOSCOW. July 16 (Interfax) - United Russia State Duma deputy Ilya Kostunov's suggestion that the "foreign agent" status should be expanded to include mass media has evoked surprise among his fellow party members.

Duma Building
"The party has no such plans either now or in the near future," Deputy Secretary of United Russia General Council Alexei Chesnakov told Interfax on Monday.

Russia has a fairly effective and democratic law on mass media, so any restrictions on mass media activity would be illogical, he said.

"Of course, the law has drawbacks. But their elimination should give mass media broader opportunities, not restrict them," Chesnakov said.

At the current stage, it's up to people, not lawmakers, to judge "what role mass media play or whose agents they are", he said.

Keywords: Russia, Media, Internet - Russian News - Russia - Johnson's Russia List


MOSCOW. July 16 (Interfax) - United Russia State Duma deputy Ilya Kostunov's suggestion that the "foreign agent" status should be expanded to include mass media has evoked surprise among his fellow party members.

Duma Building
"The party has no such plans either now or in the near future," Deputy Secretary of United Russia General Council Alexei Chesnakov told Interfax on Monday.

Russia has a fairly effective and democratic law on mass media, so any restrictions on mass media activity would be illogical, he said.

"Of course, the law has drawbacks. But their elimination should give mass media broader opportunities, not restrict them," Chesnakov said.

At the current stage, it's up to people, not lawmakers, to judge "what role mass media play or whose agents they are", he said.

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