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Unemployment in Russia varies between less than 1% in Moscow and 48% in Ingushetia
Natalya Krainova - Moscow Times - themoscowtimes.com - RFE/RL - 7.23.12 - JRL 2012-133

The unemployment rate in Russia's Federal Districts remains highly differentiated, varying by four times among the districts and up to 49 times among individual regions, Russia's Federal State Statistics Agency (Rosstat) said in a report on employment and unemployment in June.

Map of Russia
file photo
The lowest unemployment rate, according to ILO criteria, was posted for the Central Federal District at 3.2%. The highest was posted for the North Caucasus Federal District at 13.2%.

The unemployment rate in the North West Federal District came to 4.1% in June, Volga - 5.4%, Urals - 5.8%, Far East - 6.7%, Southern - 6.1%, and Siberia - 7.2%.

It was earlier reported that unemployment for the whole of Russia went unchanged in June and came to 5.4%.

Among Russia's regions, the highest unemployment figures in April-June 2012 (on average for three months so that the stats are more representative) were posted for the Republic of Ingushetia (47.9%) and the Chechen Republic (34.6%).

Double-digit figures were posted for the Republic of Tuva (18.9%), Altai (11.4%), Kalmykia (12.5%), and Dagestan (10.6%), as well as Zabaikal (10.9%) and the Tomsk Region (10.1%).

The lowest employment rates were posted for Moscow (0.8%) and St. Petersburg (1.1%), as well as the Moscow and Kaluga Regions (2.8%).

Keywords: Russia, Economy, Unemployment - Russian News - Russia - Johnson's Russia List


The unemployment rate in Russia's Federal Districts remains highly differentiated, varying by four times among the districts and up to 49 times among individual regions, Russia's Federal State Statistics Agency (Rosstat) said in a report on employment and unemployment in June.

Map of Russia
file photo
The lowest unemployment rate, according to ILO criteria, was posted for the Central Federal District at 3.2%. The highest was posted for the North Caucasus Federal District at 13.2%.

The unemployment rate in the North West Federal District came to 4.1% in June, Volga - 5.4%, Urals - 5.8%, Far East - 6.7%, Southern - 6.1%, and Siberia - 7.2%.

It was earlier reported that unemployment for the whole of Russia went unchanged in June and came to 5.4%.

Among Russia's regions, the highest unemployment figures in April-June 2012 (on average for three months so that the stats are more representative) were posted for the Republic of Ingushetia (47.9%) and the Chechen Republic (34.6%).

Double-digit figures were posted for the Republic of Tuva (18.9%), Altai (11.4%), Kalmykia (12.5%), and Dagestan (10.6%), as well as Zabaikal (10.9%) and the Tomsk Region (10.1%).

The lowest employment rates were posted for Moscow (0.8%) and St. Petersburg (1.1%), as well as the Moscow and Kaluga Regions (2.8%).

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