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Duma looks into bill that administers prison term for abortion
7.12.12, reporting on ITAR-TASS article - JRL 2012-125

Flood Swamped Street and Cars, Emergency Personnel
Duma looks into bill that administers prison term for abortion - ITAR TASS July 11, 2012 [click here for original article]

Itar-Tass reports that a bill before the state Duma would impose an 8-year prison term for an abortion that entails grave consequences to a woman's life and health.

File Photo of Ultrasound and Image of Prenatal Child
file photo
The bill also would require a one-week waiting period, termed "a week of quiet ," for a woman to rethink a decision in favor of abortion and change her mind.

It would further require informed, voluntary consent, including information to the woman about possible negative consequences to herself from abortion.

And doctors would have conscience rights to refuse to perform an abortion on moral grounds.

And Elena Mizulina, who heads the Duma Committee on Women's, Family and Children's Affairs, said that currently there is almost no criminal responsibility in Russia for what the article termed "illegal abortions." What little punishment exists in the Criminal Code presently would be administered only to persons with a medical education, with a more severe punishment reserved for cases of "unfavorable consequences" [presumably meaning consequences to the woman herself, beyond the killing that occurs as the object of the act].

[click here for original article]

Keywords: Russia, Population Disaster, Abortion - Russia, Health - Russia, Law, Crime, Abortion - Russian News - Russia


Flood Swamped Street and Cars, Emergency Personnel
Duma looks into bill that administers prison term for abortion - ITAR TASS July 11, 2012 [click here for original article]

Itar-Tass reports that a bill before the state Duma would impose an 8-year prison term for an abortion that entails grave consequences to a woman's life and health.

File Photo of Ultrasound and Image of Prenatal Child
file photo
The bill also would require a one-week waiting period, termed "a week of quiet ," for a woman to rethink a decision in favor of abortion and change her mind.

It would further require informed, voluntary consent, including information to the woman about possible negative consequences to herself from abortion.

And doctors would have conscience rights to refuse to perform an abortion on moral grounds.

And Elena Mizulina, who heads the Duma Committee on Women's, Family and Children's Affairs, said that currently there is almost no criminal responsibility in Russia for what the article termed "illegal abortions." What little punishment exists in the Criminal Code presently would be administered only to persons with a medical education, with a more severe punishment reserved for cases of "unfavorable consequences" [presumably meaning consequences to the woman herself, beyond the killing that occurs as the object of the act].

[click here for original article]

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