Medvedev Denies Russia Heading Back to Soviet Era
GORKI. Oct 19 (Interfax) - President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday rejected speculation that Russia is in for a playback of the Soviet era.
"Analogies are drawn to the (Soviet leader Leonid) Brezhnev's period. All such analogies are faulty, they are senseless, because we live in another country, in another world. We ourselves are different, we have another social system, other economic relations, but despite this, we must, of course, remember what we had in the Soviet period," the president said at a meeting with the Public Committee of Supporters of Dmitry Medvedev.
The main fears "that are in the air at the moment" are whether Russia is on a path of progress or heading for "stagnation," Medvedev said.
"No stagnation is acceptable no matter what beautiful words are used for it. We must move forward, move confidently, maybe gradually in some matters but steadily, such is my creed," he said.
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