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Medvedev concerned by Russia's low ranking for doing business
Interfax - 7.24.12 - JRL 2012-134

GORKI. July 24 (Interfax) - Various ratings put Russia "in a bad state for doing business environment," said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

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"We look really, really sour in various ratings which rate environments for doing business," Medvedev said at a meeting with leaders of the business initiative working groups.

One can argue over methodology and universal criteria applied in such ratings, but "if our positions look quite sad by virtually every measure, it means that we are in a fairly bad state in these areas," Medvedev said.

Keywords: Russia, Economy, Business, Investment, Trade - Russian News - Russia - Johnson's Russia List


GORKI. July 24 (Interfax) - Various ratings put Russia "in a bad state for doing business environment," said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Cash, Coins, Line Graph
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"We look really, really sour in various ratings which rate environments for doing business," Medvedev said at a meeting with leaders of the business initiative working groups.

One can argue over methodology and universal criteria applied in such ratings, but "if our positions look quite sad by virtually every measure, it means that we are in a fairly bad state in these areas," Medvedev said.

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