"Reset" Changes Russian, U.S. Public Opinion - Biden

Moscow State UniversityMOSCOW. March 10 (Interfax) - The "reset" in relations between Russia and the United States is working, U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden said in his speech at Moscow State University (MGU) on Thursday.

Biden cited the statistics of a warming-up in Russian-American relations.

Thus, the number of Russians who treat the United States positively has grown from 17% in December 2008 to more than 60% this year, he said.

In 2008, most Americans named Russia among the top five countries threatening United States, while this year, only 2% of Americans think of Russia as a potential threat, the U.S. vice president said.

This shows that the "reset" is working, working for all - for Russia and for the entire world, Biden said.

But, he said, much still needs to be done to strengthen bilateral cooperation in defense, security and other spheres.

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