Old Saint Basil's Cathedral in MoscowJohnson's Russia List title and scenes of Saint Petersburg
Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

JRL #6023: Plain Text - Entire Issue

1. Reuters: Russia says talks with Chechens suspended.
2. Reuters: Russia sneers at U.S. in media freedom spat.
3. Luba Schwartzman: ORT Review.
4. Moscow Times: Boris Kagarlitsky, Ded Moroz's Darker Side.
5. strana.ru: Michael Stedman, Halting Population Decline Will Take Lots of Russian Babies. Grim concoction saps a nation's strength.
6. RFE/RL: Francesca Mereu, Pasko's Treason And Espionage Conviction Draws Protest.
7. Interfax: Russians Rally in Moscow Against Closure of TV Station.
8. Wall Street Journal Europe editorial: Law and Pravda.
9. Reuters: Russia slams U.S. diplomats it says joined protest.
10. Moscow Times: Natalia Yefimova, New Faces But Old Loyalties in Senate.
11. TimeEurope.com: Maryann Bird, Slick Operators. As their U.S. allies pursue a broader, more diverse energy market, the Russians are poised to deliver.
12. AFX: Russia ratings improved under Putin; needs to overcome opposition - Moody's.
13. Interfax: U.S. Missile Defense No Threat to Russia for a Decade, Says Russian Negotiator.
14. BBC: Caspian sturgeon stocks plummet.