Bin Laden isn't smart enough to have organized Sept 11
attacks - Russian psychologists
MOSCOW. Dec 24 (Interfax) - International terrorist Osama bin Laden could not have headed the organization responsible for the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, Director of the Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism Prof. Mikhail Fersht said at a press conference in Moscow on Monday.
The intelligence and luck coefficient of bin Laden is too low, the scientist said. "We studied bin Laden's personality based on his speeches on Arab television," Fersht said. This method is called "a distant psycho-diagnosis," he noted.
The televised speeches of the international terrorist show that his "consciousness is narrow," the scientist said. "His vocabulary is limited, and he is fixed on the topics of religion and terrorism. Such people are sick." Thus, bin Laden "could not have planned and carried out such a large-scale operation as the terrorist acts that shook the world," Fersht said.
He said there might be "a strictly classified organization unknown to the leading secret services and the press" that perpetrated the terrorist acts on September 11. The hypothetical leader of this organization has "an enormous intelligence coefficient," the scientist remarked. "The organization has a huge intellectual potential incomparable to that of any of the world's scientific and intelligence organizations. The colossal luck of its leaders, who have managed to stay a secret to all intelligence services of the world for such a long time, is especially disquieting," Fersht said.