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BBC Monitoring
Staff sacked from Russian magazine Itogi launch new weekly
Source: TV6, Moscow, in Russian 2000 gmt 10 Dec 01

[Presenter Vladimir Kara-Murza] This week marks the appearance of a new weekly in Russia.
The editorial staff of the real Itogi [weekly magazine] have finally restored the familiar production cycle in full after a six-month enforced break.

[Sergey Parkhomenko, captioned as editor-in-chief of Yezhenedelnyy Zhurnal] This week, a publication called Yezhenedelnyy Zhurnal [Weekly Magazine] will for the first time become available from kiosks in Moscow and, I hope, elsewhere. It is produced by the team which I hope many readers have come to know from the Itogi magazine, the one which existed until spring this year, when that team was banished from the magazine for reasons one has no wish to recall now. [Parkhomenko and others were sacked from Itogi, which was part of Vladimir Gusinskiy's Media-Most media empire, in April 2001; Itogi weekly has been published since under new management].

[Kara-Murza] Having retained a team of like-minded people, the editors have now been able to cover the entire spectrum of topics the weekly used to cover.

[Parkhomenko] The magazine has a pretty simple format. It divides everything that surrounds us into, as it were, art and all the rest. Indeed, there are a great many interesting developments in contemporary cinema, book publishing, theatre, music, the recording industry and elsewhere. We regard it as our duty to talk about it in detail and at length.

[Kara-Murza] Having endured unprecedented pressure for political reasons, the journalist have no intention to renounce covering the most critical issues of present times.

[Parkhomenko] As far as politics is concerned, there will be plenty of it and at the same time there will be none. Modern-day politics embraces something much greater and mush more varied that mere political or cadre intrigue. It is this kind of politics, politics understood broadly, that we shall mostly be writing about.

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