Old Saint Basil's Cathedral in MoscowJohnson's Russia List title and scenes of Saint Petersburg
Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

1. AP: Bush Wants Putin With Him in 'Foxhole'
2. AP: Bush, Putin Agree to Cut Warheads.
3. AP: Summary of Agreements From Bush-Putin Summit.
4. AP: Putin Calls for Intl. Terror Fight.
5. Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin on a New Relationship Between the United States and Russia.
6. The Guardian (UK) editorial: A kaleidoscope moment. Bush and Putin could change the world.
7. Moscow Times: Megan Twohey, Bush Recalls the Day He Met Putin.
8. Wall Street Journal: Guy Chazan, Russian Equities Surges to a High Amid Optimism Following Summit.
9. BBC Monitoring: Liberal MP links future of Russian democracy to US investment. (Nemtsov)
10. Baltimore Sun: David Greene, U.S.-Russia summit might broaden to include energy. Putin eager to present his country as potential supplier of oil to U.S.
11. Los Angeles Times: Robert Hunter, Don't Open the Door to Russia Yet.
12. AAASS announces winners of its annual prizes.
13. BBC Monitoring: Russian TV ponders why so many Russians regard America as enemy.
14. Financial Times (UK): Andrew Jack, Investors fear Russia reform may soon run out of steam.
15. Luba Schwartzman: ORT Review.