Old Saint Basil's Cathedral in MoscowJohnson's Russia List title and scenes of Saint Petersburg
Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

1. Reuters: Jon Boyle, From foe to friend U.S.-Russia ties on the mend.
2. BBC Monitoring: Russia's Putin addresses Americans in English.
3. AP: Bush Decides on Nuclear Weapons.
4. Washington Times: Nicholas Kralev, Bush won't save ABM Treaty.
5. Wall Street Journal: Pavel Felgenhauer, Do the Terrorists Have Nukes?
6. Peter Lavelle: Untimely Thoughts - The Kremlin's discipline call and Putin's two front war (re the fight against corruption and the new foreign policy)
7. Washington Post: Eric Pianin, Lawmakers Seek Russia Initiatives.
8. Congressional news conference on US-Russia Partnership-A New Time, A New Beginning.
9. Kyodo: Russia will not ratify Kyoto pact if interests ignored: report.
10. The Times (UK): Richard Beeston, Putin's Saddam visit angers Blair and Bush.
11. Washington Times: Helle Bering, Beware Russians expecting gifts.
12. BBC Monitoring: Russian youth movement to back Putin for now says leader.
13. Baltimore Sun: Will Englund, Tajikistan embraces alternatives to war. Afghans' neighbor labors to regain pre-conflict dream.
14. Demokratizatsiya: Sally Stoecker, The End of the Insular State?