Old Saint Basil's Cathedral in MoscowJohnson's Russia List title and scenes of Saint Petersburg
Excerpts from the JRL E-Mail Community :: Founded and Edited by David Johnson

1. Christian Science Monitor: Fred Weir, Russia opens tough capitalist frontier. The first law regulating land sales, expected to be signed by Putin this week, draws Communist fire.
2. The Times (UK): Anatol Lieven, A quick victory may wreck the long-term goal.
3. Luba Schwartzman: ORT Review.
4. Moscow Times editorial: Aksyonenko Should Pack His Bags.
5. UPI: Martin Sieff, Russia's Oil Biz Set to Boom.
6. Jacqueline Miller: new PONARS policy memos. www.csis.org/ruseura/ponars
7. Reuters: Russia's Kursk sub to yield up dead, clues.
8. AFP: Roles differ, but Russia, US act in unison in Central Asia: experts.
9. BBC Monitoring: Top Russian commander refuses to rule out Afghan involvement. (re draft)
10. Reuters: Putin juggles options in Afghan government dilemma.
11. Nezavisimaya Gazeta: WILL RUSSO-US RAPPROCHEMENT AFFECT PUTIN'S POLITICAL PRESTIGE AT HOME? Opinion by this newspaper's experts.
12. RFE/RL: Jeremy Bransten, Russia/U.S.: 11 September Paves The Way For Warmer Relations. (views of Edward Luttwak and Sergei Mikhailov)
13. The Hindustan Times (India): Aditya Sinha, Afghan communists feel marginalised.