#47 - JRL 2009-196 - JRL Home
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009
Subject: Database of translations from Russian
From: Robert Chandler <kcf19@dial.pipex.com>
Natasha Perova of GLAS is coordinating a database of translations from
Russian to be published online by the monthly Russian supplement to the
Daily Telegraph and Washington Post.
If you have translated a book from Russian (fiction or non-fiction), and
if it is still in print, please send basic information about each book
(author, title, translator, publisher) plus a few paragraphs of summary
and, where possible, a couple of quotes from reviews. Or ask your
publisher to do so.
Please send this to both Svetlana Smetanina (smetanina@rg.ru) and Natasha
Perova (perova@glas.msk.su)