#2 - JRL 2009-162 - JRL Home
Changes made to Russian president's official website

Moscow, 1 September: The official website of the Russian president has been revamped, both in terms of content and technically.

One of the new features is the thematic division of materials. All materials go through a filter of keywords (tags), which can be viewed by clicking on "Themes" in the header or at the bottom of each page.
Selected materials go into the "Agenda" - collections on the most topical and top-priority areas of the president's work.

The geographical aspect of the Russian president's activities (the "Russia" website) is implemented through a news map ("In Russia"/"In the world"). The map shows the latest news to do with individual Russian regions and countries of the world. One click opens archive feeds relating to the chosen region/country.

The pages of state institutions, consultative and advisory bodies under the president now form the institutions website, "The State". To a large extent similar to the "Institutions" section in the previous version of the website, "The State" website will also now becomes an updatable source of information on what is happening in the presidential administration, in the commissions and councils under the president.

The "Documents" section, in addition to a database of documents in the graphic format (electronic copies of paper documents), which was there before, now has a database of the same documents in text formats (html, rtf). The texts of documents in this database contain hyperlinks to related documents; they show changes and additions made to the documents adopted earlier; the documents adopted earlier show changes and additions made later.

In addition to traditional biographical pages, Dmitriy Medvedev's personal website includes the section "Personal Photographic Works", in which the president has posted several photographs he took over a period of time, and to which he intends to add new shots from time to time.

As regards technical changes, the socialization of the website has been implemented through the ability to add materials to various social networks and bookmarking services.

A new 16x9-format video player has been created to post HD (high definition) videos. The player also plays video in the traditional 3x4 format. The player with a particular video can be added to blogs.

The main audio player can also be added to blogs. There is also a mini version of the player - it is also present in all the materials on the website which have audio files attached.

(Passage omitted: there is a version for mobile phones, and one for visually impaired users; users' suggestions were used in the new design)

The main address of the website remains the same:


There are now several more addresses of the online resources which together form the "President of Russia" portal.

All the materials published between 2000 and 2008 are accessible on the portal.

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