From: "Publikationsreferat \(Matthias Neumann\)"
Subject: Table of contents of online review dealing with Russian culture
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006
Number 1/January 2006
Of Bestsellers and Blockbusters
Table of contents:
Putin's Night Watch. Sergey Lukyanenko's Novel Night Watch and Contemporary
Russian Fantasy Literature
Matthias Schwartz
p. 3
Night Watch: On the Power of Light and Darkness in Today's Moscow
Eva Binder
p. 8
B. Akunin's Fandorin Saga: To Be Continued?
Yulia Idlis
p. 10
Turkish Gambit - Sacrificing a Pawn for a Box-Office Hit?
Andrei Rogatchevski
p. 15
kultura - the Russian cultural review, is an online information service from the Research Centre for East European Studies in Bremen, Germany (in German and English).
kultura is published every month on the website and can be received free of charge as an e-mail service (pdf file) - in order to subscribe, send an email with the subject line "subscribe kultura" to
Back issues (available on the website of the Research Centre for East European Studies <>:
kultura 1/2005 (October) focuses on:
New Places of Intellectual and Cultural Life in Russia (Heirs to the
Underground; Moscow OGI-Clubs; RuNet; Interview with
kultura 2/2005 (November) focuses on:
Youth cultures and changing values
(Youth cultures and ritual battles; "Gopniki"; DIY-Cultures; "Food, Not Bombs")
kultura 3/2005 (December) focuses on:
Culture of memory in Russia 60 years after the end of the Second World War
(Russian television coverage of Victory Day; the history of 9 May as a state
holiday; Russian society's perceptions of the 60th anniversary of victory;
review of the TV series The Penal Battalion).